01 January 2010

Gamer (2009)

Michael C Hall (Dexter) goes all Bill Gates creating software the world can’t live without. First it is Society, where actors rent out their bodies to be manipulated by other people in a freakier version of Second Life.

Then there is Slayers, where prisoners on death row are controlled by players at home and sent in to a war zone / First Person Shooter to kill or be killed.

If the convicts survive 30 encounters, they are given their freedom. Does that sound similar to Running Man?

Kable (Gerard Butler from 300, Watchmen Tales of The Black Freighter) is the star of the game and is nearing 30 matches, but he escapes to rescue his wife (Amber Valetta from Transporter 2 and magazine covers everywhere) and prove his innocence. Does it sound like Running Man now?

The writers/directors (Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor) made Crank High Voltage and must have used up all their clever ideas in that, because this is just Running Man in new packaging and little else. Another waste of a good cast. Look our for video game references and a cameo from the guys from Psych.

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