06 April 2010

The Final (2010)

There are a few basic story lines for movies that are recycled again, and again, and again. One is about students who are victimised but eventually retaliate and exact their revenge. Massacre At Central High, Carrie, Revenge Of The Nerds, and Heathers are just a few films to follow this formula.

In The Final, a bunch of outcasts drug the punch at a costume party and then torture and disfigure the beautiful people who have harassed them. “Why are you doing this to me”, asks a jock. That just happens to be the question the nerds, geeks, and abused have asked many times.

The Final is a nice entry in to the series, complete with a well paced script, solid acting, and creative costuming. So many of the teen horror movies that come out now rely on jokes, one liners, and excessive gore. I'm not opposed to that, I just tire of the lack of imagination that goes in to many of them. The Final takes a more serious approach and treats the subject with respect, and that is refreshing.

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