31 July 2009

Zombie Nation (2004)

A cop kidnaps women off the street then kills them and buries their bodies, while he has flashbacks to his abusive childhood. His partner and other police wonder what he is doing but do little about it. Then there are the voodoo practitioners who bring some of the victims back to life so they can exact their own revenge.

The story is muddled. I still don’t understand the scene of the abusive furniture customer. The acting is atrocious. The ending is ridiculous. The title, Zombie Nation, comes from one line in the movie and is not to be confused with a concept that could lead to a potentially good movie. The police station is a warehouse with “POLICE” painted on the door. The police car (there is only one) is someone’s family sedan.

This movie is mind numbingly awful. Director Ulli Lommel should be tried for crimes against the horror genre.

1 comment:

Thalidomide Dog said...

Ulli Lommel should be friggin shot you mean... I've seen 2 of his films and by that I mean I've seen the first 30 odd minutes of one and about 10 of the second one... I've even burnt the names of them out of my brain in order to try and forget the sheer horror of it all... unfortunately that horror was unintentional... damn you Lummel, damn you to hell...