17 July 2008

The Princess Blade (2001)

There are certain films the Japanese do very well, my favourites being crazy zombie films and cute girls with swords. Sometimes they combine them, like in Onechanbara, and sometimes they keep them separate. Princess Blade is another cute girl with a sword movie, this time set sometime in the future.

Yuki is an assassin for the Takemikazuchi, but she finds out about the truth of her mother’s death and decides to seek revenge against the Takemikazuchi. In doing so she befriends Takashi who has his own story of grief and rebellion. It’s not as violent and bloody as some of its contemporaries but, what there is, is nicely done, although the use of a male stunt double for Yuki is disappointing. It’s a relief to have a Japanese film without women in school uniform, without panty shots, and without strange sex scenes.

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